Tammy Hashey, LMT, CGC, MLD-C, CST
Reiki Master Teacher
Licensed Massage Therapist in NH, ME, and NM
As a lifelong athlete, Tammy was drawn to bodywork/touch therapy in her search
for self-healing, both physically and emotionally. As a lifelong migraine sufferer,
she searched out alternatives to medications, which brought her to therapeutic m
Tammy Hashey, LMT, CGC, MLD-C, CST
Reiki Master Teacher
Licensed Massage Therapist in NH, ME, and NM
As a lifelong athlete, Tammy was drawn to bodywork/touch therapy in her search
for self-healing, both physically and emotionally. As a lifelong migraine sufferer,
she searched out alternatives to medications, which brought her to therapeutic massage, craniosacral therapy, and structural integration/Rolfing – all of which changed her experience of life. With many sports and chronic use injuries
throughout the years, Tammy desired to learn how to fix herself and others,
which led her to the path as a healing practitioner.
Tammy experienced heavy losses of loved ones, as a child and young adult, when grieving was not considered an important aspect of well-being for children. Not long after she started experiencing migraines, chronic illnesses, insomnia, and panic attacks, all of which medical doctors couldn’t fix or explain. Soon after Tammy began self-medicating with alcohol and struggled on and off with alcohol addiction, which started around the age of 13.
At a point where a long-term relationship ended, even when she wanted to end it,
she still experienced heavy anxiety and panic attacks – which brought her to seek
out Reiki and energy healing – which changed her emotional experience and
brought her out of alcohol addiction. Tammy started her bodywork practice as a
Reiki Master/energy worker, which showed her that all aspects of the human
body are connected and affect physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Tammy has worked with at-risk youth, incarcerated women, the homeless
population, people with substance use and mental health problems, and people
suffering with grief and loss. She worked as the live-in client caretaker of Golden
Willow Retreat (a grief and loss retreat), in Taos, NM for over two years, where
she interned under Dr. and Reverend Ted Wiard, the leading expert on grief and
loss in the country – which brought her to the Grief Counselor program at
Southwestern College.
Full List of Creditials
Tammy Hashey, LMT, CGC, MLD-C, CST
Reiki Master Teacher
UNM-Taos Integrative Massage Program
B.A. - Holistic Healing Arts – University of New Mexico
Osteopathic Craniosacral Therapist – UNM-Taos
Certified Grief Counselor – Southwestern College
Manual Lymph Drainage – Academy of Lymphatic Studies
Pelvic Floor Certified
Graston Technique Certified