Reiki therapy is a holistic, gentle energy work process that can assist in all healing, as it
is a simple, effective, non-invasive, and powerful method of bodywork and natural
healing. Reiki helps our bodies relax and our nervous system to calm, allowing us to go
into ventral-vagal mode, which allows healing to occur, physically and emotionally.
Reiki is the intelligent life force energy that connects us to what we need and
connects our higher self with everything around us, as well as being the force that
sustains us and helps us to heal when injured or sick. Its function is to physically,
mentally, emotionally, and spiritually return living things to health and wholeness.
Reiki brings a healthier state of mind and heart, restores balance and flow, and
can help heal illnesses, injuries, upsets, and addictions.
Reiki is what brought me out of a lifetime of alcohol addiction, which started as an
adolescent with childhood trauma and the loss of loved ones. Reiki also helped me to
physically heal multiple broken bones and ski injuries faster than expected by my
doctors – to the point where my orthopedic surgeon told me he would normally do a
knee replacement on a person my age with a shattered tibial plateau (severely broken
leg), but he thought I could heal it with my touch. I agreed and was back hiking, running,
biking, etc. in less than four months. The year prior, I had severed my MCL, PCL, and
LCLs on the same leg, and I told the surgeon I thought I could heal it. He said no way
but you have six weeks of PT before I can operate so give it a try. He checked me every
two weeks and was amazed that my knee was healing. By five months I was fully
healed and back to being active. He shook my hand and said call me anytime – which
led to his belief that I could heal my broken leg without invasive surgery. I do self-Reiki
every morning and when I don’t I feel a difference in my day. On both days I injured
myself I didn’t have time to do my Reiki.
Reiki is a recognized healing modality that falls under the category of integrative
medicine. Over 80 hospitals in the U.S. offer Reiki sessions to their patients.
Energy medicine is recognized by the scientific community as an important
component to heal and maintain physical and emotional health. Reiki can
facilitate other healing modalities a person may be using.
Energy constantly flows through channels in the human body to provide the
structure and function physically for the body to reside in homeostasis-healthy
balance. Our bodies are a system of energetic channels, which interconnect with
physical channels (arteries, veins, cerebral spinal fluid, neural impulses) creating
the pulsing, living tissues inside of us. Our energy centers (chakras) are connected
to different organs, functions, senses, and emotions in our bodies, which direct
health, thoughts, and feelings. To understand how any form of energetic healing
works (including Reiki, Cranial Sacral Therapy, meditation, visualization, Tai Chi and
other modalities), we must understand that we live in a universe made up
entirely of energy. Albert Einstein’s famous E=mc2 developed this principle,
known as a mathematical equation - energy, which equals mass times the speed
of light squared (E=mc2) accounts for everything in the universe, including the
energy contained in our bodies.